Youth Skills Development Program

Staff will utilize several approaches to teach youth the skills required to promote quality of life, community integration and successful transition into adulthood.

The program will individually assess and address each youth's risk factors that have the greatest impact upon potentially reducing recidivism, if addressed with the appropriate intervention or treatment. The program will focus on youth's strengths and build on them to develop needed life skills.

Evidence-based practices such as Aggression Replacement Therapy (ART) and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Skills Development will be utilized. Risk factors the program will focus on but not limited to:

  • Attitudes/Orientation (thinking/beliefs)
  • Personality/Behavior
  • Peer Relations
  • Family/Circumstances
  • Education/Employment
  • Leisure/Recreation
  • Substance Abuse
  • and More...


  • Assessment of barriers that may prevent or hinder progress and skill attainment
  • Daily documentation of the youth's involvement in the program
  • Evaluation of supports and resources needed to attain skills
  • Staff will work closely with assigned Probation Officer
  • Program will utilize the Youth Level Service/Case Management Inventory supplied by probation
  • Written plan for both youth and family
  • Track outcomes to evaluate progress of individuals and program
  • Individualized groups according to age (ages 14-21 served)
  • Family involvement
  • Regular communication with referral source including weekly progress reports
  • Groups/Family sessions/Individual sessions
  • Outside recreation area
  • Cafeteria. Dinner will be provided for youths--they will participate in preparation to learn appropriate daily living skills

State of the Art Facility

  • Classroom accommodations with SMART board technology and computers
  • Large gymnasium
  • Kitchen area for skills building programs
  • Therapeutic Music room/Expressive Arts

Expected Outcomes

  • Youth's functioning level will improve
  • Reduction in school truancy and dropout rate
  • Reduction/elimination of legal issues
  • Reduction/elimination of drug/alcohol use
  • Improve family communication
  • Improve grades
  • Improve self-esteem
  • Develop appropriate coping skills
  • Improve motivation
  • Improve overall wellness
  • Develop healthy social skills
  • Improve involvement within the community
  • Involvement in age appropriate activities
  • Other individualized goals as needed

For referrals or for more please contact the Service Director for the Transitional Aged Skills Development Program, at 570-825-6425 Ext. 7262